Hodson Denture Clinic, New westminster, BC
Full contact details for Hodson Denture Clinic; New westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Hodson Denture Clinic belongs to category Dental Laboratories in New westminster, BC, Canada.
Business name: Hodson Denture Clinic
Street address: 402 columbia st e #102
Postcode: V3L3X1
City or place: New westminster
State: BC
GPS coordinates:
Telephone(s): 6045210233
Short description:
Hodson Denture Clinic from New westminster (BC), business type: Services/Health Services/Dental laboratories (SIC code: 8072)
Street address: 402 columbia st e #102
Postcode: V3L3X1
City or place: New westminster
State: BC
GPS coordinates:
Telephone(s): 6045210233
Latest update (for this entry)
Website: 2012-02-27
Short description:
Hodson Denture Clinic from New westminster (BC), business type: Services/Health Services/Dental laboratories (SIC code: 8072)
This is automatic search on map, in some cases location may be incorrect. We advise to contact the "Hodson Denture Clinic" to be sure about their location.
Message for company owners: If You send us your GPS coordinates, location on map will be accurate.